Dental Social Pro

Stay on top of Social Media mentions

More than 51 percent of Facebook users and 81 percent of Twitter users expect a response to an online complaint within one day. With that kind of pressure, Dental Office’s need a way to instantly hear what their patients are saying to them online. That’s where we come in!

Taking your social to a new level

We monitor what consumers are saying about you on Facebook, Foursquare, and Twitter and can upsell, interact, build and engage, and respond to customer service inquiries. Our focus is on building a fan base, conducting customer service, and generating leads.

We do it for you!

Our Dental Social Pro solution combines the skills of our experienced reps that compose thoughtful and engaging social posts with the specialized knowledge of business owners. The result is a creative and meaningful social profile that is authentic and captivating.


Social Customer Service

Social media takes work and a lot of time. Any business that has tried running their own Facebook and Twitter profiles knows that gaining new patients is very difficult. Our solution and staff will help even the busiest business monitor and respond, which results in better leads, sales, and results.

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